Allie Summers – mischievous step-sister gots virginity sex with creampie HD 720p 30841 My Virginity is a Burden II.MP4 snapshot 12.57.860 30841 My Virginity is a Burden II.MP4 snapshot 15.53.953

She turns it on but it doesn’t vibrate, she shakes it, and still it doesn’t move, ” batteries.” She hears her step-brother playing video games downstairs in the living room. She goes down stairs in search of AA batteries. He gets annoyed when she starts looking for batteries in the TV remote, he asks, “what do you need them for?” “It’s none of your business.” She goes back into her room and, YES, the batteries bring her vibrator to life! The step-brother sneaks and watches her in the keyhole as she makes herself cum, her pretty little pink nipples match her pretty little pink pussy. He opens the door, he didn’t think about what he would do after opening the door, it was a primal impulse to turn the knob of the door and walk in. He stood there with his jaw hanging open as Allie clutched a pillow to hide herself. “Get out of my room!”

He stayed for a long three seconds until he realized how wrong it was to walk in on her, his face flushed red with embarrassment, he turned to walk out. “Wait..” he obeyed her and turned to face her, “you’re not going to tell, are you?” She bit her pillowy pink lip and her step-brother realized her lips are the same shade of pink and her nipples, and her pussy lips.

She told him her predicament, how unfair it is to live in a home where she is kept captive by her over protective step-father, she wants to experience life like her friends, she wants to go out with boys, why shouldn’t she? He empathized with her, she asks him, “do you think I’m pretty?” She reveals her body to the boy up close. She wants to be touched. She wants to experience a boy. If her step-father won’t let her go out, she wants to see her step-brother. He’s obviously curious to see her too, she justifies the bizarre and perverted thought. She wants him to rub himself up against her, just to feel a little what it would be like…

Format: mp4
Resolution: 1280 x 720
Duratio: 00:16:38
Size: 820 Mb