Jessica Ryan & Milan – Can You Keep a Secret Pt 1 FullHD 1080p 36443 Can You Keep a Secret Pt1

Milan goes to the bedroom of his stepmother (Jessica Ryan). Greeting him, she says: “Did I wake you? Sorry, it’s so embarrassing”, while continuing to pack a suitcase. “Is everything okay?”, he asks. “Nothing to worry about, dear. Um, it’s not what it looks like. I thought about it”, she says. “Thought about what?”. She sits down on the bed and says: “Oh honey, can you keep a secret?”. “What’s wrong, mom?”, Milan asks. “It’s your father -he’s cheating on me again, Milan. I’ve just had it -it’s been going on for so long, but I can’t leave you two kids”, stepmom says. “We’ll support you, mom”, he responds. “You don’t have to be so nice. I’m just a woman who married your father and it hasn’t even been two years”, she says. “You’ve always taken care of me”, he notes, holding her hand in support. “People are going to think I’m so weak”, she says. “You’re not weak, mom”, he replies. “They’re gonna think I’m a lonely old woman”, she despairs, getting up and going back to her suitcase, starting to remove its contents. “I haven’t even told your sister yet. Maybe I won’t”, she says. “I can keep a secret”, he promises. “You’re such a good man, Milan. I’ve got to keep busy. I’ve gotta find something to do”, she declares, walking back to Milan. “Maybe we can find something to do in your room”, she says suggestively, leading him out of her room, taking him back to his bedroom down the hall. Stepmom closes the bedroom door behind her. “I don’t think we’ve ever been in here alone together before”, she says. “I guess not”, he agrees. She smiles and says: “It feels naughty. You keep it pretty clean in here. Do you mind if we just talk for a minute, is that okay?”, she asks, sitting down on his bed. “Your father hasn’t touched me again in over a year”, she laments. Stepmom hears noises and goes to the door to investigate. Closing the door, she motions “Sh!” with her finger at her mouth to be quiet, announcing: “It’s your sister. I don’t want her to find out about this. Do you think I’m beautiful?”, she asks. The camera nods Yes. “I think that you’re handsome”, she declares. Sitting down on the bed she says: “You make me feel like a little schoolgirl. You make me feel so wet”. Milan breaks away from her a bit on the bed, and stepmom reacts: “I’m sorry -I must have mis-read the signs”. “It’s just -sudden”, he stammers. “I’ve been thinking about you for a while”, she admits, taking Milan’s hand in hers. “I know that it isn’t right. Does that make me a bad person?”, she asks. Camera moves side to side, indicating his No. “You’ve always been different -bigger, quieter than other men. Wise beyond your years”, she says, kissing his hand. “Like a real man”, she emphasizes, making eye contact. She sucks on his index finger impulsively. “Don’t I deserve love too?”, she asks. Milan’s hand fondles her breast. “It’s dangerous to do this now. Do you think we can be quiet enough?”, she asks. Milan nods Yes. “We have to be careful”, stepmom says, standing up and starting to undress, revealing sexy lingerie including a garter belt. “Nobody can find out about this”, she confides. “You make me so wet. Does mommy make you hard?”, she murmurs as she strokes his crotch. “I have been dreaming about this for a very long time”, she admits, undoing his pants, and taking out his huge cock. “You have a thick dick to deep throat. I think I’m going to find out if I can get it to fit”, she declares, adding “Such a big, meaty cock for mommy”. Watch the taboo romance unfold, and stay tuned for Freya Parker starring as the stepsister in Part 2.

Format: mp4
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Duratio: 00:31:42
Size: 2636 Mb