BuniBun – Mommy’s Halloween Party FullHD 1080p

You go into the kitchen and your mom asks you what time your going out to your friends Halloween party. You explain your not going out anymore and just want to stay home tonight. Confused, your mom is trying to understand why you arent going out anymore and you tell her you just dont want to. She explains that she planned an Adult party tonight at home thinking you were gunna be out all night and now her plans are slightly ruined because she doesnt want you there.

She tells you if your going to stay home you absolutly must stay upstairs in your bedroom all night while she attends the party downstairs. You agree. Your mom goes off to get ready and changed for her party and then comes in your bedroom in her sexy witch outfit telling you the party is about to start and reminding you to not come downstairs into the party until morning. You go quiet, clearly stunned looking at your mom in her sexy oufit. She snaps you out of it and you agree. Your mom attends her party, mingling with others and ends up having casual conversation with a mysterious masked man on the couch. She wants to know who’s hiding under that mask but the man wont tell her. She guesses but she cant figure it out and he’s hesitant to take his mask off. She suggests to go upstairs with her to somewhere more Private and maybe she can convince the masked man to take it off. Teasing ensues when they are upstairs as she starts kissing/biting the masked mans neck….then explains she feels a weird connnection with him for some reason and really drawn to him but has no idea who is under the mask. She notices she gave him a hard on biting his neck and proposes that she should take care of it since she gave it to him and that if she can make him cum he will take the mask off, he agress. She starts sucking his cock and then starts fucking him. Middway through fucking his mask slips off and she realizes its her own son. She confronts you, angry, confused and in shock that you would sneak into her party wearing a mask and tricking her, but you remind her that she was really enjoying fucking you and after a moment she continues since she cant get enough of your cock. She fucks you until you cum inside her and after your done fucking she tells you even though you made her cum to go back to your room and that your still grounded for tricking her at her party.

Format: mp4
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Duratio: 00:36:03
Size: 1339 Mb