Tag Archive: Maledom

That Bondage Girl – Dixie Comet – Power Princess Bound & Drained 1080p

Power Princess is talking to the chef of police on the telephone about a string of robberies that they're having a hard time solving due to a lack of evidence on the scenes. They believe that it's the work of a new super villain in town. Power princess hasn't heard of any new villains but assures the chief that she will get to the bottom of it. She gets off the phone and goes over to check her note pad to see if she can make any correlations. As she walks to the note pad, the villain appears and starts creeping towards her. Power Princess sense that someone is there with her but when she turns around, there is no one there. She walks over to her lap top and begins researching the crimes. The villain appears again and grabs her from behind. He pulls her top to the side, exposing her nipples, he pinches them and with his powers, knocks her out and drags her off. Power Princess is now tied with her arms overhead and calls out for the person responsible for snatching her up to show themself. The villain creeps up to her and starts rubbing his junk on her tied up body. Not knowing the stranger, she asks who he is and he tells her that he's The Phantom and that he's going to take away all her sex energy. Power Princess is repulsed as he gropes her body and shoves a ball gag in her mouth. The Phantom spins her around and starts grabbing at her ass and spanking it. As he continues to spank her and her cheeks get more and more red, he can feel her getting turned on which allows for him to suck her energy, making her weak and able to do whatever he wants with her. Power Princess is laying on the ground, drained of most of her energy. The Phantom grabs her and makes her get on her knees. He takes out the gag and she begs to be given back her energy. This does not fit into his plan though andPower Princess has plenty more energy to suck out. He pulls out his cock and face fucks her. She's drained the more she chokes and gags on his cock. Pleased with success of his conquest, he has one more hole to conquer. Power Princess is tied in a very compromising position. She's barely holding on to what little energy she has left as she tries to struggle in the bondage and beg through her gag to have her energy returned to her.The Phantom comes strolling in and tells her it's time to take the rest of her energy. He gets between her legs and fucks her as she threatens he won't get away with this in between moans of pleasure and despair. Finally he makes his deposit inside her, promising that Power Princess will be his little puppet for doing bad. The Phantom leaves her there filled with his cum as he goes to rob a bank. Drained of all of her energy, Power Princess lays there whispering through her gag and promising that she won't turn evil.
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Superheroines adult movies – Jungle Girl 1080p 2020

 Superheroines adult movies - Jungle Girl 1080p 2020 Synopsis: After waking up on the streets with no memory, Evelyn does what she can to survive, using the bordering jungle to create her own coverings. Her innate sense of right and wrong prevails and she finds herself compelled to fight crime and stand for street justice. She makes a name for herself with the locals and receives the nickname of Jungle Girl. During one of her busts, a figure in the shadows is watching her. Before she can defend herself, a chloroform cloth is on her face and the lights fade out. She wakes to find herself secured to a chair in a dark room. Her bonds are loose enough to wriggle free, but when her captor approaches, she pretends she's still restrained to figure out why she was captured. Her answers are delivered, and they correlate with flashbacks she's been experiencing. The man claims to know her well and it seems she's meddled in his affairs prior to her memory loss. When millions of dollars are on the line and her questionable memory is the only solution, Jungle Girl finds herself on the receiving end of a beatdown meant for someone with 10 times her strength. She's tough and a skilled fighter, and if she could remember her past, she suspects she'd find special forces, or even genetic enhancements. Unfortunately, she finds herself outmatched and ultimately losing regardless of her skills. If she doesn't remember something quickly, her survival is at stake. What's worse is the man seems to know her weaknesses both physically and mentally, and even sexually. If she's too weak to defend a physical attack, how can she fend off a sexual attack? She'll find out... Contains: 1 on 1 male/female combat, face punches, belly punches, kicks, knees, low blows, back hands, uppercut, hammer fists, chair hit, chloro, ots carry, full nudity, forced stimulation to climax in multiple positions, coerced sim fucking in multiple positions
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Calista – Eye of the beholder from Rye-UK HD

 Calista - Eye of the beholder from Rye-UK HD The Rye-UK team have begun talks for Eye of the Beholder 2… I would love to make this happen, but I need to gage interest before entering into what will certainly be a very expensive production.
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Uninvited 9 – Melody Marks – BTS Mixed Wrestling 720p

Uninvited 9 – Melody Marks – BTS Mixed Wrestling 720p Synposis: Melody is looking for her friend Red Vision (who was last seen having her mind fried in Uninvited 8, this plot point is not shown in film) but… no-one is home. Melody decides to snoop around and finding herself bored… decides to try on Red Visions new costume. Bone, a super villain who has earned his name from using his manhood aggressively, is on the hunt for Red Vision. Disappointed he finds Melody in her costume instead, a fight ensues. Melody’s super strength proves to be more than he can handle. Bone pulls out a weapon to level the fight in his favor.
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Superheroines adult movies – Magnificent Girl from Heroine Movies 1080p

Superheroines adult movies - Magnificent Girl from Heroine Movies 1080p Magnificent Girl, featuring a new character and actress, is now available here at Heroine Movies. Magnificent Girl finds herself mixed up in the plot of a criminal mastermind who has a secret plan to destroy her. Magnificent Girl confronts him and his henchman, dishing out punishment to both of them and preparing to take them to the proper authorities. But when her nemesis reveals the results of his mysterious and dangerous plot, Magnificent Girl must battle against a powerful humanoid opponent. After a grueling struggle, things go downhill for Magnificent Girl, who finds herself on the receiving end of a brutal beatdown, and then bound to a table and subjected to weakening radiation.
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Superheroines adult movies – Wunder Woman & Friends Vs. Dr. Vibrato HD

Superheroines adult movies - Wunder Woman & Friends Vs. Dr. Vibrato HD Dr Vibrato the commissioner's hot cheerleader daughter in order to demand a $75 million ransom from him for her safe release. With the help of his two goons, Vibrato imprisoned the young woman deep below his secret headquarters. There, still wearing her cute little cheerleader uniform, she was kept tied helpless in a chair. A gimp-mask had been pulled over her head to disorientate her; in her mouth was a ball-gag that muffled her cries. The two goons guarded her at all times. She whimpered and fidgeted in their menacing presence. On occasion they pawed her nubile body - squeezing her pert tits through her top; caressing her smooth, bare legs. Eventually Vibrato phoned the commissioner and made his demand. To spur him on, he let him hear his daughter - and her sounds of distress. The commissioner begged him to let her go. But Vibrato showed no sympathy. He was interested only in getting the $75 million. The commissioner told him that he did not know how to get that kind of money. Vibrato then hung up. If the commissioner wouldn't paid, his daughter would have to. But in a different way...Now Vibrato left his two goons to have some fun with her. While she squirmed and moaned, they again squeezed her tits. One of them lifted her short skirt, exposing her white panties. He yanked their crotch aside, revealed her bare and vulnerable pussy, and fingered and rubbed it. Then the pair removed her ball-gag and pulled out their big hard cocks. In turns they made the traumatized cheerleader suck them off. There was nothing she could do to stop them. They held her head so that she could not avert her face. Her little mouth was stretched in taking on such thick chunks of man-meat. If she did not perform properly, she got a spank from one or the other of the goons. After they were gone, she sat alone, sobbing hard - dreading the next phase of her degradation. Soon after, courtesy of Vibrato, the commissioner received a video recording of his daughter's first ordeal. Horrified, desperate for help, he called on Wunder Woman and explained the situation to her. The Amazing Amazon was outraged. Immediately she summoned fellow superheroines - Super Gurl and Invisi Girl - and headed with them in search of Vibrato's secret headquarters. They finally reached it after travelling through an underground cavern, an ancient dungeon, and a deserted waterfront warehouse. Turning invisible to avoid any goons, Invisi Girl went ahead as scout. In a clinical-looking room, she discovered the commissioner's daughter. She was naked and in a bad way. Quickly Invisi Gurl returned to Wunder Woman and Super Gurl and gave them the news. In a righteous fury, the three superheroines raced as one to the rescue. But now they found the room empty! Only some loose ropes and a discarded uniform told that the cheerleader had ever been there. While they were trying to figure out what had happened, Doctor Vibrato's voice came over a loud speaker. Though hidden, he was able to observe his unwanted guests through a security camera.
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Killing Time from The Battle for Earth 1080p 2020

Killing Time from The Battle for Earth 1080p 2020 Contains: 1 on 1 male/female combat, face punches, kicks, belly punches, body pans, bear hug, low blows, groping, forced sex, multiple uses of kryptonium gun directed at body and pussy, mask removal Synopsis: After surviving her run-in with Redwing, Sunder has continued trying to find out who’s compromised at Division, and which baddie wants her head. The path leads to a ruthless villain calling himself Kronos Master Of Time. Kronos has the ability to slow time to a crawl for any given subject while time continues as normal. He’s also extremely well connected to Division and has come by Agony’s kryptonium based weapons. Sunder’s first encounter with Kronos leaves her badly wounded. She knows she has to defeat Kronos to try and figure out who’s behind all this, and she gets an assist from Division in the form of a small device inhibiting the ability of Kronos. She reengages and the two battle brutally. Even though Kronos can’t pause her timeline, he still has all of his weapons, and the knowledge that if Sunder is sexually compromised, her powers are as well. Sunder’s chances aren’t looking good, but she’s survived in the past. Find out what happens.
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Killing Time from The Battle for Earth 1080p FullHD

Killing Time from The Battle for Earth 1080p FullHD Contains: 1 on 1 male/female combat, face punches, kicks, belly punches, body pans, bear hug, low blows, groping, forced sex, multiple uses of kryptonium gun directed at body and pussy, mask removal Synopsis: After surviving her run-in with Redwing, Sunder has continued trying to find out who’s compromised at Division, and which baddie wants her head. The path leads to a ruthless villain calling himself Kronos Master Of Time. Kronos has the ability to slow time to a crawl for any given subject while time continues as normal. He’s also extremely well connected to Division and has come by Agony’s kryptonium based weapons. Sunder’s first encounter with Kronos leaves her badly wounded. She knows she has to defeat Kronos to try and figure out who’s behind all this, and she gets an assist from Division in the form of a small device inhibiting the ability of Kronos. She reengages and the two battle brutally. Even though Kronos can’t pause her timeline, he still has all of his weapons, and the knowledge that if Sunder is sexually compromised, her powers are as well. Sunder’s chances aren’t looking good, but she’s survived in the past. Find out what happens.
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The Syndicate Featuring Ashley Lane from TBFE 1080p 2020

The Syndicate Featuring Ashley Lane  from TBFE 1080p 2020 Contains: 2 on 1 male/female combat, face punches, back hands, kicks, belly punching, low blows, hair pulling, cradle carry, spanking, gas rendering heroine weak, “green” rock on a chain around neck, “green” ball gag, “green” shackles, full nudity, groping, forced dildo bj, 2 on 1 simulated forced fucking/forced dildo bj Synopsis: Superia has tracked the leader of The Syndicate and his right-hand man. Figuring on the element of surprise, she boldly enters, challenging both men physically. The element of surprise unfortunately doesn’t exist, as the men are fully prepared and expecting her arrival. The syndicate has been trafficking sex slaves and using the profits to fund their network. A buyer has already secured Superia. All the Syndicate must do is capture her and prepare her. It seems an impossible task as she handles both men painlessly. A mystery case sits on the table and when The Syndicate boss won’t reveal its contents, she decides to look for herself. Too bad she didn’t exercise caution. The gas is mixed with Element K, and it hits her as soon as the lid is opened, weakening her substantially. It’s the opening the men need and they waste no time in starting her preparations. Hanging a chain around her neck with a giant piece of Element K, Superia is brought to her knees. It’s only the beginning and it could be the end. They’ll keep her alive because they need to pass her off to the buyer, but she’ll wish they’d just kill her.
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Wonder Storm 2 and Sonique 2 from The Battle for Earth 1080p

Wonder Storm 2 and Sonique 2 from The Battle for Earth 1080p Two new videos from The Battle for Earth are available: Wonder Storm 2 and Sonique 2. Check out trailers and more information below. Contains: 1 on 1 Male/Female Combat, 2 on 1 Male Female Combat, Belly Punching, Face Punching, Many Low Blows, Ground Work, Kicks, Chloro Use of power stone to both enable villain and disable heroine, Chloro, Topless Nudity, Groping, Coerced Consensual Sex in one position. Wonder Storm enters a warehouse to find The Handler and Beast. Having already had an altercation where The Handler attempted to steal her powers, she is confident she can triumph again. Bored and arrogant in her approach, she quickly finds herself on the winning end of the fight. The Handler has a surprise, though. Receiving a charge from a mysterious stone, he engages her and instantly, she realizes his strength is far more than what it was. Her confidence falters slightly as she realizes she may not be able to handle what’s coming. The Handler’s motive has always been to search the galaxy for a worthy opponent. We now learn his primary motivation for finding worthy opponents is to steal their powers once they’re defeated. We already know he spares his defeated opponents no mercy, as we already saw Miss Power’s demise at his hand and the brutality he and Beast administered. Wonder Storm is destined to be defeated, but will she even survive. More importantly, if she does survive, how will she reconcile the atrocities that she’s about to incur?
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